We are 2 years into a 5 yr fixed rate mortgage with Bluestone but haven't settled and are thinking of moving house. We have a house worth around £220000 and would be looking at a purchase price of around £200k All of our deposit would need to come from proceeds from sale. Currently I have a lot of unsecured debt, can manage this in a normal month but when I get unexpected expenses like car breaking down, boiler breaking etc I'm really struggling and I've had a couple of missed/late payments.as a result. I have been advised by a debt charity to consider a DMP but I'm really concerned we would be trapped where we are if we did this and we need to be able to move. If a mortgage preferably with Bluestone is possible with a current DMP does this instantly put you in the worst bracket with the highest interest?
Many thanks

Thanks for getting in touch, this is a situation that we have handled successfully numerous times so you are not alone.
We'd love to help and this feels like a question better answered over the phone.
We are actually open this evening until 20:00, tomorrow 09:00 - 20:00 and bank holiday Monday 09:00 - 17:00.
Paul Carmen
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