
Born 1973
Rented forever. Single mother , with big career , safe employment forever.
Both employed and self employed. . 50-60k income SE . Average 3500-4500 per month income.
DMP , paid on time ( acutally inadvance , year three, perfect results. Taken to clear credit card overuse approx. (10k) during a short period of illness and separation. Approx 5 K owing.
No other credit.
Car on finance, two years left perfect history .
Rent paid on time over many years. Proof can be given and this is on Credit Ladder also.
NHS worker. Need to move onto the ladder but fear of rejection has stopped me. It makes not sense.
Please can you advise me what to do and if you can help me live happily ever after at such an awful time.
Eldest son now working , and brings in 15K, willing to come in with me so we can find our first purchase together.
This year has seen so many offer, I look with interest, but have been so focused on others, I have forgotten myself . This is so true.
Ill love the person who helps us , and treat them well !

Hi I do , and can send. I really need to say , this has been such block for me. I earn and work so hard all my life to advanced stage but fear due to past history has made me hold back . I have paid thousands in my lifetime for rent.
Im now 47 ! No partner as was not good, but two children , deep end, career etc. You would make my life if you can get me a deal ! I will absolutely praise you as NHS and with reward.
I can send you DMP statements, credit file etc. Bear with me, ill work on this over the next few days. Im nearly in tears.
I have just not educated myself in this area , but it fascinated me.
Paul Carmen
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