Do you know if there are any high street lenders accepting people who have taken out a payday loan over 1 year ago at the moment ? The information on the internet seems to be conflicting some websites say ‘over one year from settled date’ is fine however others say this is now 2 years . So I was wondering if you could hopefully shed some light on this.

To a degree, exactly
No lenders love payday lending as understandably this is borrowing of the last resort, but based upon the overall merits of the case and strength of credit score then there are lenders that may accept these..
Like most credit related issues, time helps to heal these previous credit issues...

So, I need money as soon as possible. I get paid twice monthly and recently had big expenses come up. I know payday advance places have a bad rep online payday loans no credit chec, but I have heard of people having a good experience. Are there any alternatives? I'm getting low on couch change.
Paul Carmen
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